Rogue Education Conference, Workshops and Screening

Launch Screening

“Rocking the Foundations” is the story of a trade union whose social and political activities challenged the notion of what a union should be, and is incredibly relevant to education activists and student unions today. It will be screened alongside inspiring shorts from the net including the website. Rod Quantock will be providing his irreverent take on public education, followed by a launch of the reader.

Rogue Education Conference – Institutions, Capitalism and Dissent

During the conference a range of academics, students, activists and unionists will discuss how the current crisis in education undermines the very notion of “democracy”. Speakers include:

  • Professor Margaret Thornton: ‘The Impact of Commodification on the Student Experience’
  • Professor Rob Watts
  • Judith Bessant: ‘Politics, Universities and the Culture Wars’
  • Geoff Boucher: Winning the Education Debate
  • Damien Cahill: ‘Neoliberalism and the War on Terror: The Real Road to Serfdom’
  • Jeff Sparrow: ‘The Early Student Movement in Melbourne’
  • Bree Ahrens: ‘The Melbourne Model’
  • Russell Kerr: A Quest for Something Nicer
  • Paddy Gibson – ‘Opportunities to Waste – Universities and the Nuclear Industry’
  • Dave Eden: ‘Treasonous Minds: Capital and Universities, the Ideology of the Intellectual and the Desire for Mutiny’
  • Anja Kanngieser: ‘It’s our Academy: Autonomous and Free Universities as a Strategy for Reclaiming Knowledge’

EngageMedia Workshop

On Sunday 15th September at 12PM EngageMedia will present a workshop on the state of independent media and how to use it as a campaign tool, as well as an in-depth look at the video-sharing website

Free soup and cheap drinks will be on offer, courtesy of the RMIT Student Union Swanston Street Collective.

Check out the website at