New Version of Plumi Released

One of the exciting new improvements is that featured videos are now shown via a flash player on the front page of the EngageMedia website so there’s no need to go digging for your first streaming video experience!

Anna Helme from EngageMedia believes this new release of Plumi will do much to enhance the user experience on the website. “We wanted to focus on making it easier to manage your content on the site,” she said. Other enhancements to the user experience include a new animation during video upload to indicate uploading, transcoding messages that are now only seen by site managers, workflow improvements (consistent across videos, callouts, news and events), a video listings template improvement (the country metadata on each video is now listed) and implementation of the latest version of the Transmission Metadata Standard

And what does the future hold for the development of Plumi? According to Helme, the next major release of Plumi will be upgrading to Plone 3, a big jump in the development of the underlying platform. “This will contain some really exciting improvements in the visual HTML editor, versioning of content, easier collaboration and sharing and inline editing without having to reload pages,” she said.

For a full list of changes incorporated into Plumi 0.2.2 you can view the changelog and you can download this version of Plumi in the Plone repository.

Update: Plumi repository on Github.