EngageMedia Channel Featured on Miro This Week

Miro is a “video podcasting” or “vodcasting” application. Basically it’s Internet TV, a way for people to subscribe to a syndicated feed of your videos or show and be able to easily download and view it. It’s like the difference between buying the newspaper at the newsagent and having the newspaper delivered to your door each day. EngageMedia is the newspaper, Miro is the delivery boy.

With Miro you don’t have to remember to go and check a number of websites each time you feel like checking out a video, Miro allows you to subscribe to the video feeds you like and get updated regularly about them. In the case of EngageMedia, more than 700 people get told instantly about a new video every time one is published.

If you have an account on EngageMedia and have published a video you already have a Vodcast feed. Just copy and paste the link on this button EngageMedia Featured Miro Channel This Week that you can find in your videos folder or on your author page, and insert it into Miro.

Alternatively, you can subscribe to all videos on EngageMedia.org by using this link.

Just copy and paste it into Miro and check out the videos.

The best way to understand it is to try it out. Go to GetMiro to download it.

Miro Guide