EngageMedia Jakarta Office Launch and Screening of “Time for Reel Action”

Time For Reel ActionEngageMedia, the Independent Video-Makers Network (JAVIN) and GloW Alliance announce that our office/house/melting-pot-area “SEL 49” will soon be operational. We hope that this house will offer an alternative space for filmmakers, activists, students, and campaigners to be involved in video-activism.

Aside from “SEL 49” opening, the event is also the launch for our “Time for Reel Action” climate crisis video compilation which we will screen with the Indonesian-style layar tancap in front of the office. Among the films in this compilation, we will also show a short film production by EngageMedia, GoW Alliance and JAVIN called “Green Gone Wrong” which showcase the green trends in Jakarta and perception on the biofuel industry.

Nova Ruth
Nova Ruth
“Time for Reel Action” itself is to be screened in Australia, Indonesia and Denmark around the Global Day of Action in December 2009.

This event will be supported by cross-generation independent musicians “JOSS (Jakarta Organize Sound System)”:

* Indo Beatbox – to be confirmed
* Rustique Kollektiv
* Jalan Surabaya (Uncle Ho, Bellal, Rentjong)
* Our very own Nova Ruth
* Toto Tewel (legendary rocker)

See you all there!