EngageMedia Video Distribution Workshop in Jakarta (Report)

EngageMedia video distribution workshop was in Kemang in Jakarta. May 2009.

EngageMedia successfully hosted another video distribution workshop in Jakarta a week ago on the 23-24th May 2009. Twelve people attended and over the two days explored the ways and means of how video makers all over the world are distributing their videos through the online world. It’s important for people to put out their own stories on social and environmental issues so the world sees more than what the news agencies put out. There are millions of stories out there and EngageMedia helps give people the tools and knowledge to put these stories out.

The last EngageMedia video distribution workshop was in Kemang in Jakarta. The venue Bikin Ruang, was in a good quiet street so as to not get too distracted. Twelve people participated in the workshop, some from NGO’s such as WatchdoC and Indocs and others just passionate individuals keen to learn how to put their stories out there for the world to watch.

Over the two days, these people along with the three EngageMedia facilitators, Vik, Nova and Andrew worked together on using on-line video as a campaigning tool, gaining access to Free and Open Source Software FOSS, compressing video for publishing online, where you can publish your online content, copyright and use of open content licensing.

It all seemed to be pretty constructive and successful in the end and Day 2 seemed as though everyone was a little more comfortable with each other (although Facebook is always a distraction). We’d be hoping to see some contributions soon from all those that attended.

Engage will be hosting 2 more workshops soon, one in Bandung, Indonesia on the 18-19 July and one in Bali on August 8-9 so we are keen to hear from anyone is passionate about their environmental or social issue stories.

Contact nova[at]engagemedia.org