Fleshing out the Plone Video Sprint

This post was previously published in the official Plumi blog

Yesterday Andrew, Limi, Nate, Vik, Barry, Thierry and Gunner sat down yesterday to do some more fleshing out of the goals and design for the sprint.

Here are some of the conclusions, please speak up if we’ve got anything wrong or if we’ve missed any key details.

As mentioned previously there are three strands

  1. a new plone video suite based (mostly) on already existing tools
  2. the future of plone/video – aimed to toward plone 4/5 and looking particularly at Tiles
  3. essential improvements to already existing products such as Plumi and p4a

We’ve updated the feature set based on those discussions and dived into ‘must have’, ‘should have’ and ‘nice to have’. (If you’re not already on the coactivate page, please join here.)

We want to granularise the tasks as much as possible to – any help people can offer there would be great.

We’re also looking to have leads on the various sections who can help break goals down into tasks and get tickets on the coactive tracker ticked off. We currently have 17 people signed up here and a few remote sprinters. We’re expecting 20-25 sprinters on board, possibly more. (Please spread the word and get people on board!)

At the moment Nate has volunteered to bottom line the video suite, and also the p4a enhancements and release.

We also discussed the idea of some of this possibly going into the core of Plone.

Vik is bottom-lining transcoding but is also keen to get more help on the coordination there. And will bottom line Plumi enhancements toward the 3.0 release.

We need a lead on the future of plone video; Limi has offered to help out in framing the needs at the start but will be attending multiple sprints. If you have any ideas or suggestions for a lead, please let us now.