Plumi 0.2.3-final Released

This post was previously published in the official Plumi blog

We are pleased to announce a new release of the video-sharing application Plumi, built on the FOSS Plone CMS. This release includes several bug-fixes, and some minor improvements to templates. It also includes improvements to the transcoding framework, to include transcoding of Flash video files.

Plumi LogoThe tarball for this version can be downloaded from our product releases page on

You can get this release from SVN here:

For more info on how to install from SVN please view this page on our wiki:

All the tickets completed for this release are viewable here:

This will be our last release for Plone 2.5. Development is already underway for the move to Plone 3.x. Please join our IRC channel (#plumi on, our discussion list or our announcement list for further details, or contact us for further information.

Our Plumi 0.3a alpha release will be the first buildout for Plumi on Plone 3.x. The beta release will include a migration script for Plumi sites running 0.2.3 or lower to move to Plumi 0.3b.

After this, we will be looking at key new features including featuring filmmakers and video views/download statistics. Further down the track, we will be exploring Firefogg integration (ogg transcoding/publishing via Firefox to Plumi), BitTorrent and many other exciting improvements.