Videochronic: Video Activism and Online Video in Indonesia

by Ferdiansyah Thajib

EngageMedia and Kunci Cultural Studies Center are pleased to announce the launch of VideoChronic, the outcome of collaborative research charting how activists are engaging with video technologies in Indonesia, addressing some of the issues of technology-mediated social movements, and exploring the potential and limitations of online video distribution.

Online version available at


Videochronic: Video Activism and Online Video in Indonesia

-Book Launching and Discussion-

[Scroll down for Indonesian Version]

videochronicThe proliferation of moving image production and its increasing representation on the internet has introduced new ways of transmitting information that intensify the connectedness of agents from different settings–including those within the social change movement. However, there has been very little research on how activists in Indonesia incorporate the developments in video technology into their existing practices, or how they engage with the possibilities of strategic distribution, particularly the various online forms. Indonesia is in a state of transition, politically and socially, but also in relation to the many technologies. Access to video production tools, the internet and mobile technologies, whilst still limited, is increasing dramatically.

The current publication is one outcome of collaborative research between EngageMedia and KUNCI Cultural Studies Center. The research charts how activists are engaging with these technologies in the Indonesian context, addressing some of the issues of technology-mediated social movements, and exploring the potential and limitations of online video distribution. By analysing its history, mapping the current situation, and considering possibilities for the future, we hope to bring new light to video activism in Indonesia and begin the process of asking many more necessary questions. Hopefully Videochronic serves as a guide for those exploring the social change possibilities of employing new media technologies in many places and also assists those inside Indonesia to reflect on the work done to date, and the many paths emerging.

Event details:

When: Friday, 13 November 2009,
Starting 6 PM -end
Where: KUNCI Cultural Studies Center
Jl Nagan Lor 17A, Yogyakarta
Speaker: Yanuar Nugroho (Manchester Institute of Innovation Research)
Entrance Free

Meruaknya produksi gambar bergerak dan luapan representasinya di internet telah membuka kemungkinan yang sama sekali baru bagi cara dan proses penyebaran informasi, di mana keterkaitan antarpelaku dari latar belakang yang berbeda, -termasuk dalam agenda transformasi sosial, menjadi semakin erat. Akan tetapi, masih sedikit yang bisa diketahui tentang bagaimana aktivis sosial di Indonesia mengapropriasi perkembangan teknologi video dalam kerja-kerjanya, same sedikitnya dengan pemahaman tentang bagaimana mereka mengolah kemungkinan bentuk distribusi video sebagai alat aktivismenya, khususnya di jenjang online.

Penerbitan ini merupakan salah satu hasil dari penelitian kolaboratif EngageMedia dan KUNCI Cultural Studies Center . Riset in memetakan bagaimana aktivis melibatkan dirinya dengan teknologi tersebut di konteks Indonesia, mengamati beragam isu yang muncul dari perkelindanan gerakan sosial dan teknologi di Indonesia, dan menelusuri potensi serta hambatan distribusi video di internet. Dengan menganalisis sejarah, memetakan situasi masa kini, dan melihat kemungkinannya di masa depan, kami berharap bahwa persoalan aktivisme video di Indonesia bisa dipahami secara lebih jelas agar proses baru untuk mengajukan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang juga baru yang lebih penting dapat segera dimulai. Kami juga berharap bahwa Videokronik dapat menjadi panduan bagi mereka yang mau menelusuri kemungkinan-kemungkinan perubahan sosial dengan menggunakan media teknologi baru di banyak tempat, serta turut membantu mereka yang bergiat di Indonesia dalam merefleksikan kerja-kerja yang telah ditempuh hingga sekarang, dan menyikapi bentuk-bentuk baru yang sedang mengemuka.