Archive Camp a great success

by Nova Ruth

On April 14-17, 2010 EngageMedia and partners the Indonesian Visual Art Archive held an Archive Camp in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The event focussed on the collaboration between a number of media organisations in Indonesia.

Despite the extraordinary heat, participants of the Archive Camp, hosted by EngageMedia and IVAA (Indonesian Visual Arts Archive) found creative ways to share their ideas over three fabulous days in Central Java. This camp involved five important organisations, which are IVAA, Combine, Kampung Halaman, Ruang Rupa and EngageMedia.

EngageMedia and partners the Indonesian Visual Art Archive hosted an "Archive Camp" in Yogyakarta, Indonesia April 14-17, 2010. The camp continued EngageMedia’s work of setting up a series of Plumi based offline video archives, as well as developing new strategies and tactics for digital video distribution.
The “Archive Camp” during April 14-17, 2010 continued EngageMedia’s work of setting up a series of Plumi based offline video archives, as well as developing new strategies and tactics for digital video distribution.

The camp was focused on two areas – production and technical.

Archive Camp LogoThe production group discussed archiving and strategy around their own projects, and the technical group spent most of their time working on Plumi in the “geek cave”. The technical team included Dimo (Greece), Pushpa (India), Grant (Australia) and Izhar (Malaysia). Slaving over four video servers, they worked on improving the latest version of Plumi, working on the interface in conjunction with the producers.

Ivan Lanin from the Wikimedia Foundation Indonesia facilitated a discussion around Creative Commons.

The camp was a great success, opening up important communication channels between the technical and production sides of video archiving projects, and between attending organisations that found commonalities in the work they do. Check photos from the sessions here.

ArchiveCamp - Creative Commons session

Archive Camp Organisations