Burnstation alpha tagged

This post was previously published in the official Plumi blog

(Via Mike of Unweb)
The burnstation alpha is tagged and is ready to be further tested. It has been tested and works with Plone 3.3 and Plone 4.

You can install the standalone burnstation prototype by running the buildout (it requires python 2.6) with:
svn co https://svn.plone.org/svn/collective/collective.transcode.star/tags/burnstation-alpha/ burnstation

$ cd burnstation
$ python2.6 bootstrap.py
$ ./bin/buildout

Wait for buildout to end, and start up zope with ./bin instance start and the transcode daemon with ./bin/transcodedaemon start

Install the burnstation product, and upload a video file as a new file in your Plone instance to test it.

Alternatively if you want to test burnstation on top of an existing plumi installation, you can add the burnstation source
to your buildout egg sources.

You will need to grab the transcodeMpeg2 and makeIso scripts from the collecctive.transcode.star egg and put it in the /scripts folder. or you can run the plumi-burnstation buildout for a new plumi-burnstation instance:

$ svn co https://svn.plone.org/svn/collective/plumi.buildout/tags/plumi-burnstation-alpha/ burnstation
$ cd burnstation
$ python2.4 bootstrap.py
$ ./bin/buildout Start up zope and transcode daemon, install plumi and then install the burnstation product.

Plone Burnstation was produced by EngageMedia and Unweb.

More info at https://plumi.org/wiki/BurnStation