Burnstation Prototype very close to being released

This post was previously published in the official Plumi blog

EngageMedia and Unweb have been keeping busy this week testing and tweaking the Burnstation prototype system. As a proof of concept it’s being kept quite basic, especially its user interface and error trapping. The tweaking has involved making it a little clearer to operate and correcting a couple of issues that would prevent it from creating an ISO file.

We set up a summary page on the wiki showing an overview of the work remaining, some of which was not logged as tickets in Plumi Trac. We also occasionally included some high level notes here to give more of an overview than just viewing the tickets in Trac.

We’re now very close to releasing the prototype as the final tasks remaining are primarily around documenting the How To Guide and the work required to produce a production version. We’re expecting to get everything wrapped up in the next couple of days.