Camp Sambel gets ready

EngageMedia is gearing up for Camp Sambel this week. Camp Sambel is a video distribution camp of more than 40 video activists from Indonesia, East Timor, Malaysia and Australia and will be held from June 16th to 20th, 2010. The camp is based on an open methodology with participants as peers running the workshops among one another. Find more information here.

Yerry in Camp Sambel
Yerry packs the showbags.
Andrew and Yerry contemplate the schedule.
The Telecom men take a break from fixing the internet.
The Telecom men take a break from fixing the internet.
Laying new internet cables for Camp Sambel
Laying new internet cables for Camp Sambel

Apparently people have been stealing the good cable that goes to the venue, as such it had been replaced with various lengths of cheap cable joined together in an ad hoc fashion, resulting in a not very great connection. Hopefully, this should fix the problem.