Yogyakarta Video Archives Camp

EngageMedia and partners the Indonesian Visual Art Archive with be hosting an “Archive Camp” in Yogyakarta, Indonesia this April 14-17. The camp will continue EngageMedia’s work of setting up a series of Plumi based offline video archives, as well as developing new strategies and tactics for digital video distribution.

Archive Camp LogoThe archive project involves working with four Indonesian based arts/activist organisations; Combine Resource Institution, Kampung Halaman, and the Indonesian Visual Art Archive to set up these in-house offline archives. [Read background blog post]

A key focus of the camp will be upgrading the four archives to the latest release of Plumi 3.0, as well as running various workshops with local technologists to enhance their ability to customise of the platform. Additionally, we’ll be strategising and sharing tactics around how most effectively to meld on and offline archiving and content distribution, particularly in contexts where bandwidth is limited.