‘At Stake’ is Now Available with English Subtitles

AT STAKE is a brave and eye-opening documentary tackling taboo issues that many women are facing in the world's most populous Islamic country.

AT STAKE is a brave and eye-opening documentary tackling taboo issues that many women are facing in the world’s most populous Islamic country. Kalyana Shira has published the series on EngageMedia previously, however, we have updated the collection with English subtitles for non-Indonesian speakers.

For those unfamiliar with At Stake, it is the result of PROJECT CHANGE!, a master class documentary workshop, in which four projects from five emerging filmmakers were selected and produced in an anthology format. The topics range from female genital mutilation, the conflict over a woman’s marital status and her access to reproductive health services, sex workers, female migrant workers, and the difficulties of being a lesbian in Indonesian society.