EngageMedia December 2010 Activities

Early December:

In Yogyakarta, on a rainy morning of December 11, 2010, I joined a group from Komunitas Dukementer—the main organizers of the FFD/Jogjakarta Documentary Festival—and decided to begin EngageMedia screenings. When we started, there were only a handful of people scattered around the room, which was a shame considering that the schedule for the screening had been circulated for months.

Before the screening began, I gave an introduction to EngageMedia.org, our mission, and our recent activities. The screening itself took about two hours, from 11a.m. until 1p.m. After that, I joined a panel discussion about social media and online video distribution, alongside two representatives from other organizations: Mira Febri Mellya from Akumassa; and Harwan Aconk Panuju from E-code films/Toni Blank Show. We discussed the enormous impact social media has had on online video distribution. By the time the panel started, many more people had arrived at the venue, and we enjoyed the active participation of more than fifty people, who joined in with questions and opinions.

At the end of the discussion, we again faced the feelings raised by the film Social Media—social media is an ongoing process, and the video community has an important role in its development.

FFD Facebook fan page.

A a panel discussion about social media and online video distribution

Late December:

EngageMedia took part in an exhibition at the Indonesian National Galery (Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 14, Jakarta Pusat) organized to celebrate Ruang Rupa’s 10th anniversary. The theme of the event was “Expanding the Space & Public”, and it featured an exhibition, a seminar, and films screenings,

EngageMedia contributed promotional materials to the exhibition, including free stickers and postcards, and screened the climate film compilation Time for Real Action (T4RA).

More information:
