Two ‘Papuan Voices’ Videomakers Win Awards

Another accolade for the Papuan Voices team! Frengky Making and Nico Tunjanan, both working for the Secretariat of Justice and Peace (SKPKC Fransiskan Papua) in Jayapura, West Papua, took home the first and second prize for best short videos in the ‘Yuk Awasi!’ Short Video Competition, organised by budget accountability and transparency group PATTIRO.

The competition is part of the group’s Strengthen Integrity and Accountability Program (SIAP) which highlights: (1) Manipulation or success story on the government subsidised school operations funds (BOS); (2) manipulation or success story on rice for poor people program (RASKIN); and (3) manipulation or success story on fertilizer distribution.

Frengky’s video, Curhat Guru Honor (Casual Teacher Holds a Grudge), won first prize and Nico’s Raskin Untuk Siapa?, won second prize. Curhat Guru Honor is about Yosina Dike, a teacher in Doyo Baru. She has tried numerous times to take the civil servant enrollment test but the local administration never selected her.

As the video went viral on YouTube and, several local Jayapura media have taken up the Yosina’s story also. Raskin Untuk Siapa? questions the government’s monitoring of subsidised rice products. Instead of being distributed to the poor, Nico found the same products being sold in Sentani markets.

“I wanted the organisers to fly Yosina Dike instead of me, but the insisted I should come to Jakarta,” said Frengky Making while visiting the EngageMedia office in Jakarta. “They gave me Rp5 million of prize money, and I will donate most of that to Ibu Yosina.”

Frengky Making with Prize

Frengky’s film was also screened on Metro TV’s Wide Shot program on Friday, July 6, 2012.

Frengky and Nico were part of the Papuan Voices team that made the videos such as ‘Saving the Pinang Culture’, ‘Sa Pu Hutan’‘Hope of the Cendrawasih Children’, ‘Left to Survive’ and ‘Papua Calling’.

This wasn’t the first time that a Papuan Voices videomaker won an award. In February, Wenda Tokomonowir’s video, ‘Love Letter to the Soldier’ won best documentary in the South to South Film Festival in Jakarta.

Congratulations Frengky and Nico!