[closed] We’re Hiring – Migrant Worker/Dispatches Project Coordinator


EngageMedia is looking for a strong, dynamic and creative individual to lead 2 new projects; a Southeast Asia migrant worker video training, production and distribution initiative, and a series of video ‘Dispatches’, issue-based online and DVD compilations.

The Migrant Worker Project will engage ten Indonesian migrant workers based in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore to build their video communication skills to highlight their lives and conditions. The participants will learn video production and distribution skills and contribute to a DVD/online compilation to be used as an education and organising tool.

Dispatches are a series of 25 minutes, issue-based compilations for distribution online, DVD and most importantly to television stations. Each edition will engage an expert partner organisation on the issue and employ hybrid distribution practices to reach new audiences with human rights and social justice content.

For full details go to https://engagemedia.org/jobs/migrant-dispatches-project-coordinator