In June 2012, EngageMedia co-founded the Video4Change network with 14 other organisations. This year, we’ll be working with the MIT Center for Civic Media and Open Documentary Lab to research how social-change video creates impact and how that impact can be measured. We’ll also be developing v4c.org as a umbrella space for the network, as well as adding a host of video4change guides and tools. Lastly, the network will host a series of three regional or city-based convenings of video4change individuals and organisations. Locations are still to be determined but at least one will be in the Middle East/North Africa. Stay tuned for updates.
Papuan Voices is a series of home-grown videos from the troubled region of West Papua. Coupled with a set of background materials, it’s a toolkit for educators and campaigners defending the rights of West Papuans. In late February, we’ll begin an outreach program of screenings and discussions in Java and on Australia’s east coast. We’ll send through dates as they are confirmed.

Building on our Indonesian Migrant Worker Stories project from 2012, this year we will collaborate with Indonesian migrant workers and stateless people in Kuala Lumpur and Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. We will produce a range of stories and curate critical video works documenting their lives and campaigns for greater rights, with the help of partner Citizen Journalists Malaysia.
Our Lingua project, which translates and subtitles human rights and environmental video in Southeast Asia, also continues. Last year, we signed up nearly 350 volunteers and translated more than 2500 minutes of video. Want to get involved? You can join the team here.
With Transparency International Indonesia we’ve just kicked off Moviemento, a program working with young creatives to produce videos and engage audiences around anti-corruption themes. We’re currently touring Semarang, Balikpapan, Makassar and Bali to conduct focus groups to find the right participants. We’ll begin the workshop series in March, followed by an engagement campaign in June.
In the coming weeks, we’ll be launching a new Plumi and EngageMedia.org design along with a bunch of feature additions. Plumi is an open-source video-distribution system built by EngageMedia in collaboration with Unweb. We’ll be doing a separate shout-out about that very soon.

Lastly, we’re always looking for support to build and maintain the initiatives described above. Your contribution helps create free and open media in support of human rights and environmental causes both in Southeast Asia and globally. You can donate here.
Wishing you a great 2013
Andrew Lowenthal
Executive Director