Here’s sending out a big thanks to the 650 people who attended RightsCon Southeast Asia; from the high caliber participants and speakers, to the stellar programming and advisory committees, to the wide array of sponsors. It was an energizing display of the diversity of the global digital rights community that is fighting for a open and secure internet, and we hope an event that has strengthened that movement both regionally and internationally.

RightsCon provided the opportunity to connect with peers, advance conversations and strategic partnerships, and plan for the many challenges ahead. Access and EngageMedia are mapping the event outcomes, which we’ll release in the next few weeks.
Most critically for EngageMedia the event saw a deepening of existing regional networking, the development of further regional and global dialogue and a number of emerging and concrete collaborations.
In particular we were very please to see solid outcomes such as the Manila Principles on Intermediary Liability; a framework of safeguards and best practices for protecting free expression online.
EngageMedia will be following up many of the collaborations and regional networking by supporting a series of day long digital rights events in Yangon, Bangok, Kuala Lumpur and Jakarta between June and August this year. Stay tuned for more details on those.
If you attended this year’s RightsCon, please provide us with your thoughts on the event by submitting feedback in this anonymous survey.

In the next few days the RightsCon and EngageMedia websites will feature an archive of select sessions. Check back in to watch sessions you may have missed and be sure to share them with those who were unable to attend.
And lastly, a huge thank you to Access and the Foundation for Media Alternatives for a fruitful collaboration.