Using Documentaries on Myanmar’s Minorites to Promote Peace

Screenings in Mandalay and Sintgu

Our screenings continue to spread messages of peace as we take Khaw Than around Myanmar to promote minority rights and human rights as well as involvement in dialogue surrounding the issues.

After our first screening in Yangon on the 26th of October 2016, we then moved on to our next screenings in Mandalay and Sintgu, which were held in collaboration with Metta Campaign and Rainbow Organisation Sintgu on the 10th, 11th, and 12th of November.

screenings in Mandalay and Sintgu

There were over 300 people in attendance at the screenings and a high level of engagement in the discussions held after the films. Among the films screened was Lei Lei Aye’s women’s rights film ‘My Mother is Single’ along with her film ‘Soul Mate’ which was recently awarded at &Proud Film Festival.

Along with Lei Lei Aye’s contributions, we screened the Khaw Than collection’s most popular documentary, ‘Sound of Silence’, winner at the Spain Gerona Film Festival, and ’I Wanna Go to School’ which was awarded at the Human Rights & Human Dignity Film Festival.

screenings in Mandalay and Sintgu

Ma Phvo, a transgender woman of Rainbow Organisation Sintgu stated, “These screenings have revolutionised our thoughts on minorities. Through these video interviews, we have gained a deeper understanding of our rights and can now peace build more effectively within the current situation in Myanmar”.

Watch out for our next blogpost on the two final Khaw Than screenings in Yangon.