World Health Day: Ensuring physical, mental, and digital health

Yesterday, April 7, we celebrated World Health Day 2020 at a time when the global COVID-19 pandemic continues to change our present and future realities. This year is dedicated to supporting nurses and midwives who should be supported by governments and civil society worldwide. We should also extend our support to all frontline personnel ensuring that we make it through this pandemic.

To celebrate World Health Day, we at EngageMedia want to do our part in aiding local, regional, and international health organisations.

Below we have compiled a list of resources on or related to COVID-19 and our core issues. We’ve also included in the list content produced by EngageMedia staff and/or published on platforms that we support.

This list’s last update was on April 15, 2020. Follow our new Asia-Pacific COVID-19 Resource Database for the latest resources on digital rights in the time of the pandemic.

Tracking COVID-19 worldwide

  1. Live updates from the World Health Organisation and Worldometers
  2. Activist-led map documenting experiences of COVID-19 testing by Safecast
  3. COVID-19 information in multiple languages

Map of Asia-Pacific

Asia-Pacific tracking and databases

  1. Closer than ever, a compilation by the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) highlighting Asia-Pacific experiences
  2. Malaysia and Beyond by Prakkash, Asia-Pacific program manager for WITNESS and Coconet II participant
  3. Virus-Korona-Komunitas | Panduan Respon from Indonesia
  4. coronavirus dashboard by the University of the Philippines
  5. by the Thai government

Media freedom and combatting disinformation

  1. Coronavirus resources for reporters by First Draft News
  2. Fighting the COVID-19 ‘infodemic’ in the Asia-Pacific on
  3. SaferJourno: Digital Security Resources for Media Trainers by Internews
  4. Best practices in reporting on COVID-19 by Earth Journalism Network

more resources

More resources and databases

  1. COVID-19 Response Hub by Witness Media Lab
  2. The Narrative Initiative’s collection of narratives and resources during the pandemic
  3. Internet Freedom Festival resources
  4. The Politics of COVID-19, a compilation of coronavirus readings by The Syllabus
  5. Video on safe grocery shopping practices by Dr. Jeffrey VanWingen
  6. COVID-19’s impact on businesses by McKinsey and Company

About the Author

Sara Pacia is the Communications and Engagement Coordinator of EngageMedia. A journalist by training and multimedia storyteller at heart, she is passionate about utilising and appropriating today’s digital technologies for the empowerment of the public and the improvement of media and data literacy.

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