Cinemata hosts short films by Sabahan filmmakers in CineBah 2021

Sabah’s creative industry is still relatively young, but in recent years, it has been producing strong, independent voices whose films have found eager audiences in local and international film festivals.

A new generation of Sabahan storytellers will be showcasing their work in CineBah 2021, with Cinemata hosting the virtual screening of eight diverse short films.

With stories ranging from Sabah’s stateless children, indigenous practices, and migration to religion and the environment, the films showcase the creativity of award-winning filmmakers across the Malaysian state.

The virtual screening on Cinemata will run from November 29 until December 5. The screenings are geo-block free and will be accessible anywhere in the world. Register here to get free access to the Cinemata playlist.

Live Q&A sessions will also be held via Zoom on December 2 and 3 (7:30PM to 9:30PM Bangkok time (UTC+8)), to be moderated by film programmers Bebbra Mailin and Nadira Ilana in a mix of Bahasa Malaysia and English.

CineBah 2021 is supported by the Sabah Creative Industry and Economic Innovation Centre and Telan Bulan Films.