VIDEO: What is Impact Production?

As co-editors of the Video for Change Impact Toolkit and, more recently, convenors of the Environmental Impact Lab, EngageMedia is often asked questions about how films can create social impact.

In this video, the three seasoned mentors of the Impact Lab explain what impact production is, and why it is important for filmmakers and video collectives to integrate impact campaigns into the film production process.

The video is available in English and Bahasa Indonesia.

Want to know more about impact production? We recommend reading our interview with Impact Lab mentor Lina Srivastava. In the article, Lina dissects the common issues and actionable solutions surrounding impact production, from how to ensure that communities stay involved in the impact campaign, to how to work around practical constraints like a lack of budget or additional knowledge resources to move forward.

You can also check out the Video for Change Impact Toolkit, the main resource of the Impact Lab.

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