Digital security and safety resources in Burmese now available in one database

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A screenshot from the Digital Tea House campaign by MIDO


In support of the people of Myanmar protesting against the human and digital rights violations by the military, civil society organisations working in Myanmar or on Myanmar issues have published on Gitlab a list of digital security resources in Burmese. Localising digital safety resources are more important than ever, as Myanmar is on the brink of passing a controversial Cyber Security Bill that will further restrict internet access and freedom of expression online.

Among the contributors to this living Gitlab repository are the following Coconet community members: Myanmar ICT Development Organisation (MIDO), Free Expression Myanmar, and WITNESS Asia.

As of posting, you can access the following resources in the Burmese language.

  1. Digital Tea House, a campaign by MIDO to promote digital safety awareness in Myanmar
  2. A Myanmar Protesters Toolkit by Free Expression Myanmar
  3. Mini guides by WITNESS on using video as evidence of human and digital rights abuses
  4. A risk mitigation and management guide promoted by MIDO that details communication strategies for frontline journalists and others in Myanmar in case of internet disruption

Aside from these guides, you can also access another list of guides and readings from other organisations that have been localised in Burmese. has also translated some of its guides on protesting to Burmese.

If you would like to contribute a resource to this space, please contact us at [email protected]. The Gitlab will be updated as more resources are curated and verified.