[Closed] Call for Applications: 2022 Digital Security Localization Fellowship

EngageMedia is accepting applications for the Digital Security Localization Fellowship, which aims to convene a network of localizers and contribute to the development of localized digital security resources in Southeast Asian languages. The program is open to applicants from civil society organisations and interested individuals from Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar, the Philippines, and Thailand.


Civil society groups in Southeast Asia rely heavily on digital technology and online media for their advocacy work, but few are well-equipped to manage digital risks and threats – in part because of the limited availability of digital security resources adapted and localized in their own languages. Existing localized digital safety resources are often circulated ad hoc on social media and chat groups, with no systematic archiving and maintenance to ensure these are easily discovered and up-to-date. To support civil society, there is a need to provide and promote more secure, rights-respecting tools and resources tailored to cultural and linguistic contexts.

As part of EngageMedia’s Localization project, the Digital Security Localization Fellowship aims to:

  • ​​Expand the number of localized digital security resources in Southeast Asian languages
  • Expand the number of key resource people who can coordinate regional localization communities;
Increase access to localized digital security resources for civil society and digital security trainers; and,
  • ​​Increase the number of contributors in the localization community.

EngageMedia will convene two fellows each from Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar, the Philippines, and Thailand. Each fellow will be mentored and supported by EngageMedia, and are expected to attend localization sprints and champion the development of localization communities in their languages.


As a Localization fellow, you will:

  1. Support the coordination of localization communities
  2. Attend online coordination meetings for the selection of sprint participants and crafting of agendas
  3. Attend a three-day in-person localization sprint in July or August 2022 in your country of residence
  4. Support and co-organise localization sprints in your location
  5. Conduct outreach among civil society organisations and human rights defender networks to build usage of the localized tools and guides
  6. Provide timely updates to the EngageMedia team and relevant communities

Selection Criteria


  • Full fluency in Burmese, Filipino, Khmer, Indonesian, or Thai
  • High level of competency in English
  • Ability to fully commit to the fellowship program from July to December 2022
  • Based in Thailand (for Burmese and Thai), Indonesia (Indonesian), Cambodia (Khmer), or the Philippines (Filipino)
  • With valid international travel documents to attend the follow-up convening
  • Very strong connection with civil society organisations and/or human rights defenders
  • Basic knowledge of digital rights and security tools


  • Ability to explain technical things in simple language
  • Experience with localization (especially tech) is a plus


Fellows will be actively involved in the project for six months, from late June to October 2022.

June 2022 Online induction session
Online planning meeting
August 2022 In-country localization sprint
September 2022 Regional fellows convening
October-November 2022 In-country localization talks/trainings
December 2022 Evaluation and reporting


All fellows will receive an honorarium of 1,000 USD for their time and participation in the program. EngageMedia will also cover transportation and accommodation for the sprint and fellows convening.