

iCommons Documents Free Culture Summit on Plumi

iCommons, the international network of free culture projects initiated by the Creative Commons project has employed Plumi, the video-sharing platform produced by Engagemedia, to document video of the 2008 iSummit conference in Sapporo, Japan.

EngageMedia Workshops in Bandung and Yogyakarta

In June 2008 EngageMedia held workshops in the cities of Bandung and Yogyakarta on the island of Java in Indonesia. The workshops involved practical online video training, an introduction to FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) tools for video distribution online, a discussion about online distro in Indonesia, and a report-back from the Transmission Asia-Pacific meeting in Sukabumi in May 2008.
Video Slam 2 (2008)

Open Channel: Video Slam 2008

VIDEO SLAM will again kick off with a two-day workshop, from Tuesday 6pm 20 May to Thursday 6pm 22 May, wherein participants will learn how to incorporate Creative Commons-licensed content into a short film produced on site at Horse Bazaar, Melbourne’s Digital Arts bar, in under 48 hours.

EngageMedia Website Apr 2008

Major Update to Website

We’re very excited to announce that we have just added some big changes to the site. You might have noticed the site looks a bit different! These updates help to highlight user contributions much better along with improving the site speed and performance.
Making Links

EngageMedia at Making Links

EngageMedia will be running a workshop about online video distribution at this years Making Links conference in Sydney, October 30-31. If you are interested in finding out how to compress your video, get your content online and get it out there make sure you come along.
Video Slam OPEN CHANNEL @ Arts Law Week 2007

VIDEO SLAM 2007: Call for Registrations

VIDEO SLAM is a Creative Commons production workshop from OPEN CHANNEL being held during Arts Law Week in Melbourne. OPEN CHANNEL is calling for registrations from willing participants who will spend 48 hours at Horse Bazaar producing a 10 minute short from only Creative Commons licensed content.
Open Channel

FRAMED #2 Video Online

Who is doing what, how are they doing it and what’s in it for you? On March 29 come to an overview of video distribution services that utilise flexible licenses featuring speakers: Greg Dee, Channel 31; Anna Helme, EngageMedia; Andrew Garton, OPEN CHANNEL.
Image via Pixabay by Alexas_Fotos. Used under a Pixabay license.

Free Media vs Free Beer

A great mass of companies are currently clamouring for your content. But free beer, as Free Software Foundation founder Richard Stallman has always emphasised, is not the same as freedom.