Featured Filmmaker

Indrani Kopal

Featured Filmmaker: Indrani Kopal

Indrani Kopal from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, describes herself as a full-time video journalist in Malaysiakini.tv where she learned the importance of using media in a more meaningful approach.
Maruli Sihombing

Featured Filmmaker: Maruli Sihombing

Maruli’s videos are about the social and political injustice that occurs almost everywhere in Indonesia. He mostly works with communities who suffer from violence enacted by the State or other authorities.
Seelan Palay. Image via Flickr by Alexandra Crosby. CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Featured Filmmaker: Seelan Palay

Seelan’s most recent video is a message by Dr Chee Soon Juan to President Obama on his inauguration day. Dr Chee is an opposition party leader in Singapore who has been jailed several times, made bankrupt and is yet facing multiple charges of defying local protest laws and other offences

Featured Filmmaker: Chi Too

Chi Too from Malaysia is a tree-hugger with a video camera and EngageMedia’s feature filmmaker for February. After a long childhood obsession with the leatherback turtle, he was deeply disturbed to learn that it was near extinction when he was 12. It was then that he realised that something was very wrong.