
Pretty Good Podcast Episode 3: AI and its role in COVID-19 responses

On the third episode of Pretty Good Podcast, ARTICLE19 digital programme officer Vidushi Mardia dissects the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in the region’s response to COVID-19 and what the new applications of this technology mean for digital rights after the pandemic.

Pretty Good Podcast Episode 2: Cyber libel and press freedom in the Philippines

Pretty Good Podcast Episode 2: Cyber libel and press freedom in the Philippines

The second episode of Pretty Good Podcast delves deeper into the Philippine court cyber libel ruling against journalists Maria Ressa and Reynaldo Santos Jr. of Rappler, a Philippine news organisation known to be critical of incumbent President Rodrigo Duterte. We ask John Nery, a columnist for the Philippine Daily Inquirer and co-founder of the Consortium on Democracy and Disinformation: What does this case mean for press freedom, and what are the wider implications of this ruling for freedom of expression online?

Pretty Good Podcast Episode 1

Pretty Good Podcast Episode 1: Digital Rights and the Asia-Pacific

On the pilot episode of Pretty Good Podcast: Discussions on Digital Rights, EngageMedia chats with the Association for Progressive Communications executive director, Chat Garcia Ramilo, on the past, present, and future of digital rights in Asia-Pacific region. The pilot also tackles how the COVID-19 pandemic relates to digital rights and the importance of building and staying in touch with our communities to further the digital rights movement in the region.