DRAPAC Series: Introduction to standard developing organizations with The IO Foundation

Start: June 5, 2024
End: June 5, 2024
DRAPAC23 talk - The IO Foundation

Date and Time: June 5, 1PM-2PM Bangkok time (UTC+7)

Room: Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 826 8369 5406
Passcode: 419937


Standard developing organizations (SDOs) play a crucial role in shaping the protocols, technologies, standards, and digital infrastructure for the internet ecosystem. Questions of power dynamics, representation, and inclusion can pervade these decision making processes, making the role of civil society critical to ensure that standards protect rights and foster inclusive spaces.

In this DRAPAC Series session, Jean F. Queralt, founder and CEO of The IO Foundation, explains how SDOs work, their impact on human rights in the networked society, and how CSOs and individuals can meaningfully engage with these organizations.

Guest speaker:

Jean F. Queralt is the Founder and CEO of The IO Foundation (TIOF). For a long time, Jean was disturbed by the level of intrusion that information and communication technologies have had in the personal lives of people and societies at large. With a full career in IT, first as a programmer and later as a sysadmin, he took a leap in 2018 by founding TIOF. His objective is to establish a more solid and targeted direction to address Digital Rights from a technical standards perspective.

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