DRAPAC Series: Voices From Exile, The Safety Needs of Myanmar Women Journalists

Start: March 13, 2024
End: March 13, 2024
DRAPAC23 talk - Myanmar Exile Hub

Date and Time: March 13, 3PM – 4PM Bangkok time (UTC+7)

Room: Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 835 8629 0280
Passcode: 034095


Journalism plays a pivotal role during times of conflict and authoritarianism, serving as a vital tool for communication, activism, and the pursuit of democratic ideals. Following the 2021 military coup, working conditions for Myanmar journalists significantly deteriorated. The survival of exiled Myanmar media relies on the survival of media professionals, highlighting the importance of protecting journalists’ rights to practice their profession securely.

Women journalists have to contend with specific gendered challenges which, unless addressed, could cause an exodus of women from the profession, leading to the loss of diverse perspectives, exacerbated gender disparities, and diminished coverage of gender-related issues. While progress has been made over the last two decades for women representation in media, the challenges that women journalists face in their work may lead to a significant backslide in gender representation if left unaddressed.

This DRAPAC Series session highlights findings from Exile Hub’s research project “Voices from Exile: The Safety Needs of Myanmar Women Journalists.” The primary objective of the research was to gather evidence on the experiences of exiled Myanmar women journalists, with a particular focus on non-dominant perspectives about their working and living conditions in the post-2021 coup landscape.

Guest Speakers:

Yucca Wai, serving as the Director of Research at Exile Hub, is responsible for orchestrating research endeavours from inception to completion. Grounded in her expertise in feminist theory and inclusive analysis, Yucca integrates these perspectives into her research initiatives, aiming to challenge established understandings and norms regarding gender dynamics within the context of Myanmar.

As the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) and Research Officer at Exile Hub, Joseph Andersson undertakes a multifaceted role encompassing preliminary research on existing literature, developing and enhancing research methodologies, qualitative data analysis, and the writing of research papers. Proficient in data analysis, Joseph employs versatile software tools like Dedoose and Atlas.ti for the examination of qualitative and mixed methods research.


To learn more about the topic prior to this discussion, read the report (available in English and Burmese) here.

Check out the DRAPAC series presentation here.

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