Open and Secure Tech Asia Pacific Monthly

Start: September 28, 2023
End: September 28, 2023
DRAPAC23 Thumbnail

The OST AP Community is a focused Asia-Pacific-based community of individuals who have a medium to high level of technical understanding and are committed to building, supporting and advocating the use of open-source, secure and privacy-enhancing technologies.

Meeting 1: Thu 28 September 2023, 2:00 – 3:00 PM Bangkok Time


  • Khairil Zhafri – Open and Secure Technology Specialist, EngageMedia
  • Md. Ashraful Haque – Digital Security Specialist, EngageMedia
  • Sam De Silva, Oxen Privacy Tech Foundation


  1. Introductions
  2. Open Secure Tech Research Project Findings / Recommendations
  3. Discussion to shape the monthly meeting and way forward
  4. Q&A

Open Secure Tech Research Project Findings / Recommendations
Digital Security and Human Rights Defenders in the Asia-Pacific emphasise the need to adopt a multi-stakeholder approach to increase digital security and counter the increasing online threats that changemakers face in the Asia-Pacific in an era of increasing state surveillance. The report identifies three digital threats that imperil changemakers and foster a climate of self-censorship and fear among them: government pressure and censorship; interception of digital communications by state authorities; and information operations. Although changemakers have increased their efforts to overcome these challenges, the report identifies three barriers to adopting security tools and making the most of them. These are financial constraints and limited human resources are two key points, organisational cultures such as the authority held by senior human rights defenders, and the lack of integration between security tools and mainstream applications. To address these challenges, the report advocates a multi-stakeholder approach, offering recommendations for human rights defenders, INGOs, donors, and technology companies. The report includes a set of recommendations for change-makers, INGOs, donors, and technology companies to address these challenges effectively, underscoring the significance of a multi-stakeholder approach in mitigating digital threats faced by changemakers, thereby reducing online risks in the Asia-Pacific region as they advocate for human rights.

Dr Marc Piñol Rovira is the Research Manager at Asia Centre. He is responsible for the development of appropriate research methodologies and strategies for the successful execution and timely completion of the Centre’s research projects. His tasks also include the supervision of the research team. Dr. Pinol Rovira frequently presents research findings and outcomes at conferences and workshops. He also designs curriculums and delivers capacity-building activities. In terms of project management, Dr Pinol Rovira maintains regular contact with research partners communicating the progress of ongoing projects and the outcomes they have achieved. Dr Pinol Rovira brings valuable expertise to the Asia Centre with a background in political science and Asian studies and ten years of experience researching civil society issues within Southeast Asia.

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Chiang Mai, Thailand