
Making Video for Change amidst Media Freedom attacks

On May 3rd, 2019, in time for the World Press Freedom Day, EngageMedia and Active Vista International Human Rights Film Festival gathered filmmakers, media groups, and civil society organizations to underscore the importance of Video for Change locally and regionally.

Freedom Film Festival 2018

Why Film Festivals Matter

For over a decade, Freedom Film Festival has remained as the only independent human rights film festival in Malaysia. It has been a platform in showcasing issues and ideas that cannot be mass-communicated due to local laws and cultural taboos.
Anna and Brenda

Freedom Film Festival 2018: Mending the Gaps

The Video4Change Network partner Freedom Film Network (FFN) is a not-for-profit body established to support and develop social documentary filmmaking within the context of freedom of expression and values contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in Malaysia.
Voice Banner

Interview With Voice Grantees

EngageMedia interviewed representatives from 15 Indonesian organisations (Voice Grantees) during the first annual Linking & Learning (L&L) event on 15-19 April 2018 in Bali.