
SEA video camp

Announcing Southeast Asia Video Camp

Last week, we announced the work that we will begin doing in Myanmar. One of the main activities that we will be conducting in Myanmar is the Southeast Asia Video Camp.

Announcing our Myanmar Program

We are excited to announce that EngageMedia is launching a series of activities in Myanmar to amplify the impact of human rights and environmental video through the effective collection, curation, and outreach.

Open Myanmar: First Steps Towards Transparency

Over 25-27 August in Yangon, Myanmar, EngageMedia partnered with the Southeast Asia Technology and Transparency Initiative (SEATTI) and the Myanmar ICT for Development Organization (MIDO) to conduct an Open Government Training on technology, transparency, and accountability.

Using Video to Support Democracy in Myanmar

In July 2013, two members of the EngageMedia staff went on a scoping visit to Yangon (Myanmar) and Chiang Mai (Thailand) to see how video is being used by Burmese filmmakers and video-producing organisations to support democracy. The full report is here.

Quick Guide to Burmese Uprising Coverage and Video

There are a range of spaces online to find out information about the current uprising in Burma, in particular video content which in previous times would have been hard to access. The following is a list of such web spaces.