Tech Tales

Tech Tales films inspire youth at Myanmar human rights film festival

Five digital rights films from the Tech Tales collection were among the works screened for Myanmar audiences at an online film festival that aimed to raise awareness on the human rights situation in the country. As of writing, the two-day festival has garnered over 300,000 cumulative views online on the pages of local news organisations Toward Journal and Mizzima TV.

Appa and His Invisible Mundu

Human Rights Day 2021: Reducing inequalities, advancing rights in the digital age

Human Rights Day is an opportunity to remind everyone that digital rights are human rights: Everyone deserves to equally enjoy the benefits of technology and protection from its harms. To mark this event, EngageMedia is launching two research reports and a limited virtual screening of our Tech Tales film collection.

Digital rights stories in the Asia-Pacific highlighted in new, thought-provoking film collection

Tech Tales, a collection of eight films that highlight human rights stories in the digital age, launches on Saturday, October 30. This first-ever public screening of the Tech Tales film collection coincides with the international celebration of World Internet Day, an apt time to turn a critical eye to the current digital rights issues being faced in the Asia-Pacific.