Yerry Borang

Utopia on the Horizon

ROAR presents ‘Utopia on the Horizon’, a documentary on the Greek debt crisis and anti-austerity movement, dedicated to those who chose to struggle.

Featured Filmmaker: Cyntia Warwe (Papuan Voices)

Cyntia is one of Papuan Voices filmmakers based in Jayapura. While she spends most of her time facilitating indegenous Papuan women traders, she still manages to make some videos to help achieve her goals.
Yerry's presentation on distribution online

Plumi Workshop in Bogor, Indonesia

Our upcoming workshop in Bogor aims to share the knowledge on how to install and maintain an offline video database system based on Plumi.

After attending Plumi lessons, we gathered around to take some photos in front of cafe Telapak, Bogor.

Report: Plumi Workshop Bogor

From May 10-13 EngageMedia conducted a video database development workshop with ASTEKI – a network of progressive TV stations based in Bogor, Indonesia.

Yerry’s dispatch from Makassar: Engagemedia Makasar Tour 2010

Hey all! Now we are coming to the port city of Makassar in South Sulawesi to conduct EngageMedia online distribution workshop. Our plan is to meet at least six video-maker groups in this city. We’ll be hopping offices and cafes doing workshops. Contact us if you’re interested, or, may we’ll bump into you in Makassar.

Camp Sambel

Camp Sambel untuk aktivis video Malaysia, Indonesia, Timor Leste dan Australia

Video dapat membawa perubahan sosial. Hal itulah yang diyakini oleh para aktivis video dari Malaysia, Indonesia dan Timor Leste yang berkumpul di Camp Sambel selama tiga hari di Camp Baung, Malang (di Taman Wisata Alam Gunung Baung), 17 Juni – 19 Juni 2010 ini, dimana mereka berbagi pengalaman mengenai produksi video, strategi distribusi, taktik berkampanye, serta berbagai keterampilan komputer dan dunia free and open source.